Just a few representations in pop culture


Elo explores Romania through its representation in films and TV shows.

While the narratives may change over time, some themes remain. (or more, see the video below)



About the comic in cover

In this comic, Elo humorously connects Romania’s history with its portrayal in popular culture. The phrase “21-22, cine a tras în noi?” (“Who shot at us?”) alludes to the lingering mystery of the 1989 Romanian Revolution, where the identity of the so-called “terrorists” remains unknown. Elo’s comparison to “Lee Harvey Oswald?” highlights the universality of unresolved historical questions.

The comic highlights how Romania’s history often intersects with global narratives of conspiracy and justice. By framing these questions through Elo’s satirical lens, it critiques how such events shape the country’s representation in popular culture, as a place where the search for truth is ongoing and justice feels elusive.